No one was born thinking " Hey, It'll be cool to be the 'Black Sheep' of the family". Well, I sure the fuck didn't. I think being labeled as the 'Black Sheep' is a fluffy, Versace, black coat of honor. However, It took me years to not see it as being just the cheap cart clothes they sell on the roadsides in Jamaica.
I used to hate everything that came with the label, like lectures, the sense of being a failure, feeling like a disappointment. Day after day I would find myself drifting off into dark depression. It became so bad that I was scared to be left alone in a noise-less environment, that's when it gets you. When there is no noise, then my mind wanders. The voices in my mind would constantly degrade me, bringing up old fuck-ups and convincing me that there would be even more future fuck ups.
Even when doing the dishes, my phone had to be blasting the loudest of the shittiest music I could find, so that the Voice would criticize something other than me. I'm still going through this. And I know a lot of people are going through it too. I decided to create this blog to increase my self-esteem and help support my other Black Sheep out there.
I honestly believe that we can make being the Black Sheep in the family something to strive towards. Strive to be different from your perfect sister Karen who gets all A's in her classes, has the perfect boyfriend and can do no wrong in your parent's eyes. Well, tough tits, because you're damn good at rocking out on the goddamn guitar! You can lip-sync the fuck outta Rap God and dance your ass off to Nicki Minaj.
Strive to be better than cousin Susan who is the star of the family get together just because she landed a great job straight out of high school. Tell them to water their vaginas, cause you create bomb-ass Tiktok or Youtube Videos. You are amazing in all your Black Sheep glory. If you enjoyed this very short introduction, or feel that you can resonate with the content. Subscribe!!!